The Democrat Party is dead.
The grotesque spectacle we're seeing now is the random synaptic twitching of defunct tissue. When your vestigial brain shrivels and hardens to stone, shouldn't you be declared dead, and buried?
This was actually broadcast on television. How did we get here?
Political parties exist to advance the interests of some large segment of a nation’s citizenry. That’s the pitch. Once a party merely clings to its own power, that party is a useless relic, and worse, a dangerous impediment to a healthy republic.
At one time, the Democrat party professed the interests of the poor and the working class. But the need for donor money pushed them toward special interest groups, where collective activism blurs into communism, and ultimately a collection of global and financial corporations for swifter injections of cash. Geographic advantages, technological advances, and the shifting means of communication gave Democrats an ability to hide their metro-global corporate fealty behind cultural smokescreens.
But only for so long. As damage from the globalist agenda burned down America, the cultural fog needed to grow thicker to hide the ruin. Democrats doubled down on the smoke machine. Economic decay and moral erosion become celebrated as Change and Progress.
Social media cleared the smoke. People began to see that they were not served by the government. The cultural divisions and racial animosities whipped up by Democrats left them numb. The distraction wore off, and after all the “progress,” everyone was still in the same place.
Once government merely serves the donors, it becomes hollowed out. It’s reason for existence dies and a primitive survival instinct takes over. Governing becomes pure theatrical performance.
Nothing is real. No one is served. Everything is artificial and pre-scripted and advances the single purpose of manipulating the public away from understanding and meaningful action.
Ultimately, the president can be senile and the candidate to replace him can be utterly vacuous and unqualified. As they cynically say in programming, it’s a feature not a bug. No thoughts or beliefs means no friction for the political machine that runs the global donor slush fund behind the facade of democracy.
When a political party no longer represents any segment of the nation, it can exist only by increasingly coercive and dishonest methods. Manipulation and fear. At a certain point, you can’t even promise anything. No one believes you. That’s where we are now.
The Democrat party has no message. This is why the Democrat nominee for president cannot answer a single question about her policies. She has none. They have none. At least, none they can allow the public to know.
This is why the final month of the 2024 campaign is descending into shrieks of OMG!!! Trump is literally Hitler/Mussolini/Stalin/PolPot/Mao/Putin and HitlerHitlerHitler!!!!!!!
Need proof?
A political party that acts like this is dead. It fulfills no function in a constitutional republic. It is a cancerous tumor that has metastasized within the political body. It must be removed.
Chemotherapy is not enough. Surgery and complete removal are necessary. No trace of the Democrat Party must remain, or America will die.